Latest Work

Secondary School Workshop (20 students)
#workshop #students #cultural #fun-learning
Led students from Yan Chai Hospital Wong Wha San Secondary School to play 'Cultural Go: Religion' and shared our multicultural creation journey. Students learnt about ethnic minorities's culture through games.
Secondary School Workshop (130 students)
#workshop #students #cultural #fun-learning
Led F.3 students from Yan Chai Hospital Wong Wha San Secondary School to play 'Cultural Go: Religion' and shared our multicultural creation journey. Students learnt about ethnic minorities's culture through games.

Community Centre Workshop
#workshop #game #cultural #elderly #middle-aged
We led the kaifongs from Health In Action to play our puzzle map game and 'Cultural Go' to get to know different community cultures. The elderly can also interact with our online game platform and learn to use electronic devices by playing puzzle games.
#exhibition #interactive #game
Designed an interactive puzzle game section for PolyU APSS Social Enterprise Puzzle Challenge to introduce business tools to students. We were also honoured to be one of the selected start-up for the showcase.


Series of Ethnic Minorities
Co-creation Programme
#workshop #co-creation #puzzle-design
Enhance public understanding of multicultural religions by co-creating a puzzle hunt with our co-creation team comprising people of diverse race, ages and professions. The game sets we create will be distributed to the public (free of charge) in early 2023.
Organizer | Puzzle Weekly
Community Partner | WEDO Global
Funded by | SIE Fund
Intermediary | BEHub
CityU Course Collaboration
#workshop #learn-by-playing
Designed and added an extra mission to the existing puzzle hunt game Message from the Old Wan Chai about urban renewal with in-app worksheets to apply students' knowledge and theories learnt in the course. Provided briefing and follow-up sharing sessions.

HK Social Enterprise Summit
Young Entrepreneur Showcase
Showcased our 'Puzzle Weekly: Series of Ethnic Minorities' co-creation programme at Young Entrepreneur Showcase. It was a great opportunity to meet different social enterprise entrepreneurs, industry professionals, schools and the public.
Sharing Sessions
Share our start-up journey, design ideas and visions to students and the public in program recruitment talks, university tutorial lessons, start-up coaching sessions, etc.

Room 1915, Hundsun International Center,
44 Heung Yip Road,
Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong
+852 9669 3804